
Nors supports Banco Alimentar Contra a Fome (Portuguese Food Bank)

Nors is aware of the important role that charities play in the community, most especially at times of acute crisis, and so it has reinforced its partnership with Banco Alimentar. Through the financial support now given, Nors wants to help to increase this institution’s ability to intervene during a time when it is inundated with requests, due to the adverse economic and social environment that has affected the various sectors of society in our country.

“Corporate Social Responsibility is an important aspect of Nors’ culture. Nors has always been involved with its local communities in the various countries in which it operates, by supporting worthy causes and cultural and social institutions”, says Tomás Jervell, CEO of Nors.

“In the situation of the COVID-19 Pandemic, our priority, first and foremost, is the health and well-being of our employees and their families and of our customers and partners, but we cannot remain indifferent to what is happening around us. Charities such as Banco Alimentar, which provide aid to hundreds of families that currently depend on their help, can only continue carrying out their important mission if each of us shows an interest and, depending on our circumstances and willingness, make a contribution”, he concludes.

“Since we started out over 25 years ago, we have always been able to count on the help of the Nors Group, even before Auto Sueco, in our mission of helping to feed the most needy” – stated the Chairman of Banco Alimentar Contra a Fome do Porto (Porto Food Bank) António Cândido Silva.

And he stressed: “Nors has a strong sense of Social Responsibility and it should be publicly acknowledged, in our community. Thanks to this help, within our area of activity in the district of Porto, we reach over 62 thousand people proven to be in need, through 300 institutions. In that regard, on behalf of the families supported, we should like to thank the Board of Nors for the support they constantly provide to us.” – António Cândido Silva concluded.

Nors is a member and partner of Banco Alimentar Contra a Fome, whose needs it has been addressing for many years, both through annual monetary donations and through the donation of materials that are relevant to its activity.

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