
A personal organization


1.3 big numbers, bigger results 1.3 big numbers, bigger results

consolidated values

1. Sales + provision of services  + own work capitalized, aggregating  100% of joint ventures.
2. Number of Employees, aggregating  100% of joint ventures.
3. Sales +provision of services +own work capitalized, consolidated.
4. The Group’s consolidated EBITDA, which allocates the Net Income from join ventures according to the share of capital held.
5. Financing obtained — cash and bank deposits — ready-for-sale investments.
6. Financing obtained + operating leases liabilities — cash and bank deposits — ready-for-sale investments.
7. Equity with non-controlled interests / Net asset.
8. Net debt (net borrowing + lease liabilities – ready-for sale investments) / Equity in non-controlled assets.
9. (Clients, Inventories, Other receivables, State, Stakeholders, Suppliers e Other outstanding balances) / Turnover multiplied by 365 days.
10. Ebit / Invested Capital [Total Equity + obtained funding + lease liabilities– cash and cash equivalents– ready-for-sale investments]
11. Net income from the parent company’s ongoing operations / Equity minus Net income and non-controlled interests.

2019 was the first year applying  IFRS 16, the impacts of which are mentioned further in chapter 4